I think you guys are arguing apples and oranges here. Who said anything about not helping someone? Last time I checked, this is a game designed for TEAMPLAY. If you're on a team, you're helping each other out, for the common good, a completion of a common goal. Even at the very beginning of the game, you're required to team up with someone to go get a rez signet. I don't know how many times I've teamed up with some random player just to get a rez sig. I helped him, does that make me bad?
Everyone has opinions about what would be "crossing the line" between genuinely helping a new player, and ruining his playing experience. You can't really argue the results - as examples of players obviously in places they don't belong, or too ignorant to listen to advice from experienced players. But is giving a new player in ascalon 500 gold to buy his/her armor "bad"? Or is running a newbie to droknars, giving them 20K for armor, and a green weapon bad? The answers are probably fairly obvious, but in between is where opinions will differ.